Red-Black Tree Insertion and Deletion

Algorithm for Insertion in a Red-Black Tree

Red-Black Tree Insertion Algorithm 

Let x be the newly inserted node. Follow these steps to maintain Red-Black Tree properties:

Step 1: Standard BST Insertion

  1. Insert x using the standard Binary Search Tree (BST) insertion method.
  2. Assign the color RED to the newly inserted node x.

Step 2: Handle Violations

If x is the root, change its color to BLACK (increasing the Black height by 1).
Otherwise, if x’s parent is RED, proceed as follows:

Case (a): x’s Uncle is RED

  1. Set the color of x’s parent (p) and x’s uncle (u) to BLACK.
  2. Set the color of x’s grandparent (g) to RED.
  3. Update x = g and repeat Step 2 for the new x.

Case (b): x’s Uncle is BLACK

There are four possible cases based on the structure of x, x’s parent (p), and x’s grandparent (g):

  1. Left-Left (LL) Case:
    • p is the left child of g, and x is the left child of p.
    • Solution: Perform a Right Rotation on g.
    • Swap the colors of p and g.
  2. Left-Right (LR) Case:
    • p is the left child of g, and x is the right child of p.
    • Solution: Perform a Left Rotation on p to convert it into LL Case, then apply Right Rotation on g.
    • Swap the colors of p and g.
  3. Right-Right (RR) Case:
    • p is the right child of g, and x is the right child of p.
    • Solution: Perform a Left Rotation on g.
    • Swap the colors of p and g.
  4. Right-Left (RL) Case:
    • p is the right child of g, and x is the left child of p.
    • Solution: Perform a Right Rotation on p to convert it into RR Case, then apply Left Rotation on g.
    • Swap the colors of p and g.

Example of Red-Black Tree Insertion

Let’s insert the following sequence of elements into an initially empty Red-Black Tree:

50, 30, 70, 20, 40, 60, 80, 10

Step-by-Step Insertion with Fixes

1. Insert 50

  • Since the tree is empty, insert 50 and color it RED.
  • As it is the root, change its color to BLACK.

2. Insert 30

  • Insert 30 as the left child of 50 and color it RED.
  • No violations, as the parent (50) is BLACK


3. Insert 70

  • Insert 70 as the right child of 50, color it RED.
  • No violations, as the parent (50) is BLACK.
              /      \
        (30R) (70R)

4. Insert 20

  • Insert 20 as the left child of 30, color it RED.
  • No violations, as parent (30) is RED, but uncle (70) is also RED (Case a).
  • Fix (Case a: x’s Uncle is RED):
    • Change 30 and 70 to BLACK.
    • Change 50 to RED.
    • Since 50 is the root, change it back to BLACK.
                            /     \
                    (30B)   (70B)

5. Insert 40

  1. Insert 40 as the right child of 30, color it RED.
  2. No violations, as the parent (30) is BLACK.

                    /     \
             (30B) (70B)
               /     \
        (20R) (40R)

6. Insert 60

  • Insert 60 as the left child of 70, color it RED.
  • No violations, as parent (70) is BLACK.

                                    /      \
                          (30B)       (70B)
                             /    \          /
                  (20R)    (40R) (60R)

7. Insert 80

  • Insert 80 as the right child of 70, color it RED.
  • No violations, as parent (70) is BLACK.
                                        /     \
                              (30B)      (70B)
                             /    \             /    \
                    (20R) (40R) (60R) (80R)

8. Insert 10

  • Insert 10 as the left child of 20.
  • Color 10 as RED.
  • Observe the violation:
    • 20 (parent) is RED.
    • 40 (uncle) is also RED.

This is Case a: Uncle is RED.

Fix for Case a: Uncle is RED

  1. Change the color of 20 (parent) and 40 (uncle) to BLACK.
  2. Change the color of 30 (grandparent) to RED.
  3. Now, check for further violations:
    • 30‘s parent is 50, which is BLACK, so no further violation occurs.

                              50 (BLACK)
                             /   \
                        30 (R) 70 (B)
                     /   \          /   \ 
             20 (B) 40(B) 60 (R) 80(R)
           10 (R)