Data Analytics and Machine Learning

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Analytics
1.1 Understanding Data Analytics
1.2. Data Analysis vs. Data Analytics
1.3. Types of Analytics
1.4. Mathematical Models in Analytics
1.5. Model Evaluation Metrics
Chapter 2: Machine Learning Overview
2.1. Introduction to Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI
2.2. Applications of Machine Learning in Data Science
2.3. The Modeling Process
2.4. Types of Machine Learning
2.5. Regression and Classification
Chapter 3: Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations
3.1. Pattern Mining Overview
3.2. Frequent Pattern Mining
3.3. Frequent Itemset Mining Methods
Chapter 4: Social Media and Text Analytics
4.1. Introduction to Social Media Analytics
4.2. Social Media Analytics Process
4.3. Key Social Media Analytics Methods
4.4. Social Network Analysis
4.5. Prediction of Trust and Distrust Among Individuals
4.6. Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)
4.7. Text Analytics Techniques
4.8. Sentiment Analysis
4.9 Trend Analytics
4.10. Challenges in Social Media Analytics