Ch. 1. Question Bank

Chapter 1. Questions and Answers ( Short answer)

  1. Use an example to illustrate the concept of degree and height of a tree.

A degree of a node is the number of children it has. The height of a tree is the longest path from the root to a leaf.



       / | \

      B  C  D

     / \

    E   F

  • Degree of node A = 3 (B, C, D are its children)
  • Degree of node B = 2 (E, F are its children)
  • Degree of node C = 0 (no children)
  • Height of the tree = 2 (maximum number of edges from root A to leaf E or F)
2. Convert the following expression into an expression tree: (A + B) * (C – D).

Expression Tree:


        /   \

      +     –

     / \   / \

    A   B C   D

  1. Write a recursive algorithm for performing an inorder traversal of a binary tree.

Recursive Steps:

  1. Recursively traverse the left subtree.
  2. Visit the root node.
  3. Recursively traverse the right subtree.
  1. Construct an example to differentiate between a full binary tree and a complete binary tree.

Full Binary Tree: (Every node has 0 or 2 children)


       /   \

      2     3

     / \   / \

    4   5 6   7

Complete Binary Tree: (All levels except last are fully filled, and nodes are as left as possible)


       /   \

      2     3

     / \   /

    4   5 6

  1. Compare and contrast a strictly binary tree and a full binary tree with examples.

Strictly Binary Tree

Full Binary Tree

Every internal node has exactly 2 children.

Every node has  children.

every non leaf node must have two children.

Always balanced. all leaf node are at same level.


Strictly Binary Tree 


     /  \

    2    3

   / \ 

  4   5

Full Binary Tree


     /  \

    2    3

   / \  / \

  4   5 6  7

  1. Differentiate between a complete binary tree and a full binary tree with an example.

Complete Binary Tree

Full Binary Tree

All levels are completely filled except the last.

Every node has  children.

Nodes in the last level are placed from left to right.

Always balanced. all leaf node are at same level.Example:

Complete Binary Tree


      /  \

     2    3

    / \   /

   4   5 6

Full Binary Tree


     /  \

    2    3

   / \  / \

  4   5 6  7

  1. Explain how an expression tree represents arithmetic expressions.
  • Operators (+, -, *, /) are internal nodes.
  • Operands (A, B, etc.) are leaf nodes.


Expression: (A + B) * (C – D)


       /   \

      +     –

     / \   / \

    A   B C   D

  1. Construct a static representation of a binary tree using an array.

For a tree:


       / \

      B   C

     / \

    D   E

Array representation (1-based index):











  1. Compare the advantages of dynamic representation over static representation in tree implementation. 
Comparison of Dynamic Representation vs. Static Representation in Tree Implementation
FeatureDynamic Representation (Linked Representation)Static Representation (Array Representation)
Memory UtilizationEfficient, as memory is allocated dynamically based on need.Fixed size, which may lead to wastage or insufficient space.
FlexibilityCan grow and shrink dynamically as nodes are added or deleted.Size is predetermined and cannot be modified easily.
Insertion & DeletionEasy and efficient, as nodes are allocated and deallocated dynamically.Complex, as shifting of elements may be required.
Access SpeedSlower due to pointer traversal for accessing child nodes.Faster, as direct indexing is used for accessing elements.
Implementation ComplexityMore complex due to pointer handling.Simpler as it uses a contiguous memory structure.
Use CaseSuitable for dynamic applications where tree size varies.Suitable for applications with a fixed number of nodes (e.g., complete binary trees).
  1. Perform an inorder traversal for the given BST:


     /   \ 

   20    40 

  /  \      \ 

10   25    50 

Inorder Traversal (Left, Root, Right):

10 → 20 → 25 → 30 → 40 → 50

  1. Apply preorder traversal to a given binary tree and list the node sequence.


       / \

      B   C

     / \

    D   E

Preorder Traversal (Root, Left, Right):

A → B → D → E → C